Friday 3 May 2013

GIG - Blue Sky Cafe, Bangor

LINE UP - Addicted To Fish, Braxton Hicks
(from Crud blog) - It was organised by Bangor Youth Group, who, in hindsight may not have allowed us to play because of said references and smuggled Port, but without people like themselves who dedicate their time and efforts for the greater good and not for profit then the world would be a far worse off place.
We played our usual 25 minutes, and like BYG, offered our services and effort at our own expense for the greater good. Joe was on top form despite breaking a string and despite not being able to hear each other I guess we did okay – they seemed to like us, and the kids who got up with their guitars at the Open Mic Session beforehand put our abilities to shame. The difference being, we are up there playing as a band, playing our own songs, which have been released and played on national radio, we’ve got ourselves on the covers of national magazines, we’ve supported ‘name’ bands. That is by no means bragging… That is quite simply stating that a band with our limited capabilities can go out there and get our name in small print on the poster, and time and time again it shows that it’s the bands/people with drive that get somewhere. Britain may very well have talent, but it’s up to you to see beyond a panel of arrogant sneering judges and make a name for yourselves. It’s your decision… ours was to be an unambitious punk band, I think our job is done on that front, and I’m now quite happy to take up Anhrefn’s sub-manifesto.
There was a bit of 'afters' a day later when we received a message from BYGS...
'we hope you all enjoyed playing tonight. We had expected a bigger turnout,but exams have just begun so I guess some stayed away because of that.
Thanks very much for playing. We appreciate your time. Unfortunately though you put us in a bit of an uncomfortable position - with all the swearing and reference to drugs etc (I really hope I'm not going to have to answer to anyone about it)...and the empty bottle of port didn't go down too well when the member of staff found it in the toilets either...
We are a volunteer group that are trying to establish youth events in Bangor and to shine a positive light on young people. So far we have a really good relationship and level of trust with the community and we work hard to maintain a 'clean' image and to sustain the ethos of the venues we use e.g Blue Sky Cafe.
That aside, I can say that we all really enjoyed your set - you're very talented and you have a great stage presence.
I think the guys (Loui Bryn and Jonny) are really keen to invite you to some of the over 18 gigs they organise. All the best with the rest of your gigs.'

Joe replied, 'Apologies i did mean to move that bottle of port from the toilet, but forgot about it.... I wasn't being a rebel without a cause, port genuinely helps my voice and at the gigs where i havent drunk it I've lost my voice mid set! we tryed our best not to swear and did apologize where we could, as you can imagine we are not used to playing to under 18s! We censored a few of our lyrics too... but I can imagine they hear far worse language in the playground. We hate drugs and never use them or advocate anyone to use them. I would hate to think that we would ever get you shut down, if that is the case I would be happy to fight your corner and will take full responsibility for any offense we caused on the evening. Other than that glad you liked our set and hope we can play again in the future, to under or over 18's!'

And BYGS replied, 'Thanks very much for your message. I'm sure there won't be any come back at all, but I wanted to highlight it -just because we were put in a bit of an awkward position once you'd gone - I mean you did make reference to Speed and the port you'd drunk too much're right the children will have heard (and used) much worse language before. I appreciate you did make the effort and thanks for cencoring your lyrics!its just, I have to maintain the aims and objectives of the youth group in any night we put on - we sometimes have people of interest drop in on our nights to see how they're going.
Thanks very much for your apology, it's appreciated and accepted wholeheartedly.
You guys'll do really well (can't believe you've only been going for 6months) - a good number of people turned up solely to see you play last night (even in a cafe!) which was ace.'

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